Friday 17 January 2014

The Most Delicious Rendang Padang

Indonesia is rich in natural resources but not inferior to this diversity of dishes, one of which is the rendang its flagship dish. Maybe you already know what it is maybe the rendang is also being studied. I will share with you how to cook and various tips for serving it into a special dish for you and your family without having to go to Indonesia and issuing costs quite a lot.
Don't be afraid to practice it because this is my own recipe and guaranteed work I provide proof not pledge.

Here's how to cook it:
Meat Rendang Sapi (Materials And Methods)
  • Prepare 1 Kg of meat (better to use meat that is low in fat), cut the meat into pieces and then washed to clean. 
  • Prepare 3 grain old coconut, shredded and then wring it out so it becomes the coconut milk.   
Rendang Meat Seasoning Ingredients
  • 20 Cloves shallots.
  • 10 cloves garlic. 
  • 2 Segment Ginger that has been cleaned. 
  • 1 ounce red chillies which had beaten fine 
  • 1 teaspoon pepper (pepper powder)  
Additional Ingredients Marinade Beef Rendang
  • 3 cm of laos
  • 2 cm ginger
  • 15 pieces of onion
  • 1 ounce red chilies
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 5 pecan pieces
Manner of making meat rendang the original
  • 4-piece beforehand meat that has cleared last into parts
  • 2 kelapa coconut milk boiled together with spice already dressed last coupled with foliage and acid kandis
  • Doing stirring sustainably to coconut milk curdled and not shatterlng milk
  • Enter into coconut milk and meat stew bumbu-bumbu if stew coconut milk 've secretes oil.
  • Stir continue with small fires when the coconut milk, already fused with flesh doing stirring up meat rendang brownish color
  • Finished you can present for multiple servings. 
Notes And Tips On Cooking The Meat The Beef Rendang.
  1. How to make coconut milk that you boil not to break is to use movement drew on when you do the stirring so that later it can be evenly distributed. Do not let the silence of coconut milk without stirring as this will make your coconut milk coconut milk if it broke and busted then chances are this recipe will fail.
  2. Tips to keep the meat more tender: Do pengeprakan on Meat in order for more tips so that at the time of processing the meat more easily overcooked. Don't do the Meat cuts are too thick because it will be difficult to infuse spices and the meat becomes hard. Well that's the Recipe how to make Authentic Beef Rendang Field we could serve it for you. Dishes I will be back again with a variety of cooking recipes that will get you to practise your cooking needs everyday. Hopefully useful Greetings Masriadi.

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