Monday 16 June 2014

Tempe Bacem Tasty Recipes

Tempe bacem is a typical food of the archipelago and especially children are very fond of food other than that adults also love it. 
various tips and taste developed for this cuisine, and from me personally here I will describe:

the ingredients and seasonings:
  • Tempe, 400 grams pieces according to the appetites.
  • 300 mls of water.
  • 1 sdm brown sugar.
  • 1 sdm water acid. 
  • Salt, sugar and soy sauce according to the appetites.
  • Two sheets of a leaf as regards.
  • 2 cm lengkuas, double-milled smooth. 
  • Oil for frying
  • 4 grains of red onion. 
  • 3 cloves garlic. 
  • 0.5 teaspoon coriander. 
  • 2 grains candlenut
How to make tempeh bacem:
  • Subtle seasoning mix with water, brown sugar, acid, sugar, salt, and sweet soy sauce in the skillet or pan. Enter the tempe, stacking and flatten to kerendam seasoning, add the bay leaf and galangal.
  • Cook over low heat until marinade seep water and shrink. Remove and let cool.
  • Heat the oil and FRY until dark brown colored tempeh. Remove, drain and serve.
NOTE: If you copy this cookbook please to list link:

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