Monday 10 March 2014

Recipes Empek-empek Palembang

Fixed nice and certainly delicious, today i will share recipe of indonesia, please you tried it. Cooking is also will you make merchandise because it can exciting appetite and definitively profit to you, can be enjoyed while lounging, gather with family together with friends and your favorite.

Material Empek-empek Palembang: 
  • One kg. flour sago
  • 1 / 4 kg. flour wheat
  • 2 grains eggs
  • One liter of water white water clean
  • Salt to taste
  • Flavoring if want to wear
Manner of making Empek-empek Palembang without fish:
  • First intervening water with wheat flour then cook until into pulp then cool
  • After considerable cold, mix together 2 pieces grains eggs the hell were beaten, input and flour sago, stir stir until equitable, give salt also flavoring taste
  • After batter finished shape to fit your taste, can also filled with eggs or course
  • You heat up white water to boiling give cooking oil and boiled pempek already formed last until floating ( ripe ). 
  • Completed and drain.

Material gravy empek-empek palembang: 
  • 500 mls water water. 200 gram brown sugar
  • Three pieces of garlic. Three pieces of chilies red
  • Salt and soy sauce, vinegar to the taste
How to make stew empek-empek palembang:
  • First a puree garlic and chilies red
  • Cook water until ripe and input piledrivers garlic, chilies red and brown sugar until ripe and give a salt and soy sauce don ' t forget, also vinegar to the taste gravy is ready and pempek ready to be enjoyed.
done already, and don't forget to follow OK Brother.....

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