Friday 19 December 2014

Kerupuk Ikan Lele

Besides catfishes having a delicious also rich in nutrients and vitamins, flesh of fish used for making lele suitable crackers, meatballs, sop to become bakan know very good. Crackers lele foilows how to cook fish:

Material krupuk catfishes 

  • 500 grams flesh of fish lele boneless
  • 500 grams flour tapioca
  • Cooking oil to taste
  • 100 mls water
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 eggs bebek grains
  • Plastic packaging
  • Karet rope or thread
Manner of making krupuk catfishes, Steps making krupuk catfishes is as follows:
  • Clear freshwater catfish of fins , patil and the contents of his stomach and wash out 
  • Broiled catfish to mature , then cool 
  • Catfish polish meat with meat or gilingan with ground 
  • Mix together the flour tapioca with water a little by little, put meat and catfish smooth, sugar, a salt, ducks and eggs
  • Stir and knead a mixture of the material to kalis
  • Enter batter who has wrapped in plastic up to mature and then lift and desirable
  • Thin slices of dough that have been steamed, and basking to dry under the sun or using a dryer 
  • Having a dry crackers catfish dry ready to packed and sold raw .

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