Monday 17 November 2014

Gulai Rebung and shrimp

Or more specifically gulai rebung gulai bamboo shoots emerging ... gulai on the ground this very unique and very easy to cook with it .... heard the word gulai rebung i also thought of struggle nusantara ( indonesia ) against colonist to enfranchise self , Why ? one of the symbols of stakes history independence because this is a nusantara in the old time ...
all right following how to cook and make an ingredient:

Material gulai rebung shrimp:

  • 750 grams rebung, cut according to your appetite, then washing and drain.
  • 100 grams fresh shrimp, wash out.
  • 500 mls water, to boil.
  • Three sheets of the leaves of the orange.
  • Two tablespoon, eating sauteing in oil.
  • 4 of onion, sliced polish.
  • Lemongrass and 2nd stem memarkan.
  • 250 mls coconut milk viscous.
  • 1/2 teaspoons of sugar.
  • 11/2 teaspoons of salt.
A flavoring in a puree:
  • 3cm lengkuas.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 sdt ketumbar.
  • 1 thumb ginger.
  • 1 cm saffron
How to prepare:
  • a first step boiled 500 mls rebung with water and mix with prawns and leaves orange rebung padded, until then set aside
  • heat oil and onion hingga fragrant, sauteed then add herbs with smooth lemongrass. And stir to mature lift, afterwards stir input into rebung stew made beforehand.Then pour coconut milk, 250 mls and cook until boiling.Sugar and salt and flattened pasirdan stir.After it up and gulai rebung shrimp ready to served.

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