Sunday 22 March 2015

How to make siput gonggong

Snails in addition to be decorated can also be used as a side dish to eat daily diet, rich in vitamins and snail protein so good for consumption. For those of you who are interested in the following cooking how to make it:

How to make siput gonggong

  • 1 kg Snail Gonggong
  • Enough water
  • 5 cloves garlic crushed
  • 3 spring onions sliced
  • Ginger
  • Galangal
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
Seasoning Sauce:
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Red onion
  • Lime
How to make the sauce:
  • Cut into small chili
  • Diced onion and adjust its size to pieces cayenne pepper
  • Mix the pieces of cayenne pepper, onion and soy sauce
  • Give lime juice to add to the enjoyment
How To Make:
  1. Wash snails barking up clean
  2. Put into a pan filled with water until submerged
  3. Add the whole spices and boiled for 30 minutes
  4. Lift bark and drain
  5. Red onion and cayenne pepper sliced ​​into small pieces in a bowl input
  6. Add soy sauce and lemon drops
  7. Serve snails howl along sauce
You can use a seashell, mussels instead of snail bark
For more info please visit the Indonesian Culinary Recipes, and good luck recipe
To remove the meat from the shell can gonggong by dragging using a toothpick or like it, good luck

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