Tuesday 24 March 2015

Pepes ikan (Pepes fish)

Pepes fish, for coastal communities in Indonesia these foods are foods that are typical and most demanding, besides it also favors the manufacturing process is easy and fast. These foods also can you eat as snacks do not have to be served as lunch or dinner. For you who are interested in cooking, here's how to make it:
Material Pepes Ikan:
  • 6 tail tuna (1 kg) washed
  • 25 fresh basil leaves were washed
  • 5 bay leaves
  • Green or red tomato slices with a thickness that is being
  • Banana leaves that have been dried in the sun for a while so that leaves little weak and malleable
  • Puncture-mounted gear for
  • Enough water for steaming
Pepes Ikan seasoning that in Blend:
  • 2 knuckle turmeric
  • 5 grains hazelnut
  • 5 spring onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • Flavoring to taste
How to Make Pepes Ikan:
  1. Marinate the fish with herbs and mashed
  2. Wrap the fish that have been covered in spices, basil, bay leaves and tomato slices in a banana leaf
  3. Use a toothpick as a tool to wrap the fish in banana leaf
  4. Steamed fish that had been wrapped up mature
  5. When ripe lift
  6. Prepare grill, grilled fish steamed cooked and still complete with banana leaf parcels in the embers of the fire, until the smell out. Serve
Cooking water you can add the bay leaves to add delicious aroma
In the process of wrapping try wrapped up neatly so as not to fall apart when steamed
When grilling you can add lime juice
You can add finely milled oil on mashed seasoning if you want a greater sense of pleasure when eating it with spices

Thank you for reading our recipes, recipes for the other menus in Indonesian Culinary Recipes

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