Friday 24 April 2015

How to make a delicious egg and crispy

Indonesia is famous for its cuisine full of spices, aroma typical of every cuisine made varied flavors. Various types of races and cultures produces a variety of culinary fantastic. On this day I will share tips snacks as well as souvenirs from Indonesia, namely beans eggs were delicious and crispy. Here I describe how to make it:

delicious egg and crispy
Image delicious egg and crispy

Material / seasoning is needed to make a delicious and crunchy bean eggs:
  • Peanuts ½ kg (Use peanut peeled)
  • Chicken Eggs 4 grains. 3 eggs just taken part and 1 egg yolk taken all the pieces (white and yolk).
  • Refined sugar 1 tablespoon (can be adjusted to taste)
  • 10 cloves garlic (crushed)
  • Salt 2 teaspoons
  • Coconut milk 200 ml.
  • Pecan 2 pieces, Roasted and puree for marinade.
  • Flour cornstarch 85 grams.
  • Tapioca flour 350 grams.
  • The water is clean enough.
  • Coriander smooth or powder 1 teaspoon
  • Cooking oil for frying eggs beans to taste.
How To Make Egg tasty and crunchy beans:
  • Fried peanuts without oil or also called on the roasted until done.
  • Insert garlic paste, salt, refined sugar, refined coriander and hazelnut paste. Stir until all ingredients are well blended.
  • Mix the peanut roaster into it, stirring until blended.
  • Break and enter the eggs, 3 egg yolks only. Stir and mix again until all parts of the flat.
  • ADD coconut milk and 85 grams of flour maizenanya. Stir until all the flat part and separate the grains of beans each other so that it does not stick.
  • Enter tapioca starch. Stir until all the parts covered peanuts and mixed with flour. Sort aggregated lest there peanut granules are attached to one another.
  • Fry nuts in cooking oil using medium heat, until lightly browned and cooked through.
  • Serve
Use beans were nice and not broken
If you want to keep it in a jar or a way that will ensure that the eggs had cold beans, in order to maintain the quality of the eggs are delicious and crunchy nuts
Thank you for reading the recipe of Indonesian Culinari Recipes

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